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Fire Safety Plan
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Space Heaters
Mobile Cooking Units
Fire Safety Policy
Tobacco Free Policy
General Requirements
These requirements for mobile food preparation vehicles (MFPV) apply to trucks and/or trailers where food is prepared and served.These requirements do not apply to the serving of pre-packaged food.
Operators must have the correct licensure for food service as required by the state, county, and city health departments.It is assumed that food preparation activities are being conducted in accordance with state, county, and city health department requirements.
MFPV will be inspected by the OUHSC Fire Marshal’s Office prior to serving food on the campus.MFPV will be inspected every six months or as deemed necessary by the OUHSC Fire Marshal’s Office.This inspection is not transferrable to any other vehicle or to any locations that are not on the OUHSC campus.
The responsibility for inspection, testing, maintenance, and cleanliness of the ventilation control and fire protection of MFPV cooking operations shall be that of the owner of the system.
Any MPFV that does not comply with these requirements will not be allowed to operate on the OUHSC campus until any deficiencies have been corrected.
If there are any questions about these requirements, please contact the OUHSC Fire Code Official’s Office at 271-5522 x7 or email
Fire Extinguishers
All MFPV shall have a properly charged and inspected fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:20-B:C.
Cooking equipment involving vegetable or animal oils and fats must be protected by a properly charged and inspected Class K portable fire extinguisher in addition to the extinguisher required above.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous locations where they will have ready access and be immediately available for use.Portable fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view.
Fire extinguishers shall be affixed with a tag that indicates that they have been serviced (inspected) within the last 12 months.New fire extinguishers (those purchased within the last 12 months) may pass inspection by having the receipt showing the date of purchase taped or otherwise attached to the fire extinguisher.
When automatic fire-extinguishing systems are activated they shall be serviced before the MFPV can return to the OUHSC campus.
Cooking operations taking place that lack the appropriate fire extinguisher will be ordered to cease operation immediately until the required fire extinguisher can be obtained.
LPG containers installed on the vehicle shall be securely mounted and restrained to prevent movement.
LPG system piping, including valves and fittings, shall be adequately protected to prevent tampering, impact damage, and damage from vibration.
No gasoline/diesel cans or LPG containers will be stored in the MFPV at any time.
Portable generators shall be positioned so that the exhaust is at least 5 feet in any direction away from any openings, air intakes, means of egress, or from any building, structure, or vehicle.
Exhaust Hoods
Cooking equipment used in processes producing smoke or grease-laden vapors shall be equipped with an exhaust system.
Cooking equipment that produces grease-laden vapors shall be protected by a fire-extinguishing system for the protection of grease removal devices, hood exhaust plenums, and exhaust duct systems.
Maintenance of the fire-extinguishing systems shall be performed at least every six months.
Hoods, grease removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned to remove combustible contaminants at least every six months.
The University will not provide utilities to any MFPV.
Extension cords and cables shall be of a grounded type and approved for outdoor use.Extension cords shall not be used in pedestrian traffic areas unless they are secured.
Extension cords and cables shall not be frayed or worn.
All electrical power shall be in locations free from potential water intrusion and not located near gutters or storm drains.
When parked, MFPV shall maintain a minimum spacing of not less than 10 feet from the front and rear bumpers of other MFPV.
MFPV shall not be parked in fire lanes, blocking fire hydrants, or other locations as designated by the OUHSC Fire Code Official.
Per the Office of Enterprise Risk Management, the MFPV must maintain, at a minimum, general liability limits of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and auto liability with combined single limits of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) (any auto).MFPV must provide a certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverages are current.Contact the OUHSC Office of Enterprise Risk Management with any questions related to insurance at 405-271-3287.
Mobile Cooking Units